This is an account of a vision I had from a year and a half ago, that is also the inspiration for the title of this blog. I’ve highlighted the relevant passage below in bold text.
The vision
I lay down and enter a cube in a sphere
Initially nothing happens
I see a lone lizard soldier has appeared before me
I ask him what his nature is
He tells me that he is identified with the cold inert nature of my soul
I ask him what he has to tell me
He tells me that I do not belong here, I am not welcome here and I am in danger
I’m a bit worried by this
I ask him what he has to show me
He tells me he will take me to the castle
He tells me that judgment awaits
I’m led to the castle
The vision pans out
I see a castle that floats in the sky, above a vast brilliant blue lake
Entering the castle there is a vast army of lizards that await me inside
The feeling is clammy and I feel creeped out
I feel no warmth nor malice from those that observe me
The overall tone is entirely neutral and nondescript
I ask the lizards what is the nature of this place
They answer this is where I must await judgment
My body will be cleansed of impurity
I indicate it is strange that this castle floats in the sky
They answer this is a heavenly place
They indicate with reproach that the body shares in the nature of heaven as all else
I ask what we are waiting for
They tell me they await ‘the Great Initiator’
We wait for some time until I sense a great presence approach
I sense a multi-faceted lizard with a thousand eyes shining from each of its scales
And then I am launched into another space
The great lizard appears before me but from the depths of a great fire
He tells me he is the Fire
I ask if he is identical to the serpent but he says their nature is different
The lizard is more identified with the body
He says he will burn my heart of impurity but that time has not arrived
I must allow his influence to manifest first
I see a vision of the depths in my heart
There is a mass of lizards teeming
Swirling endlessly in the darkness
They lie hidden, writhing only dimly seen in the shadows
There is a sense of sickness and decay
A decay that must be burned away and cleansed
Rather strangely, the vision ends with the YouTube channel All Gas No Brakes
The beaming image of the reporter appears before my mind’s eye
There is a rush of happy go lucky open free spirited vibes and emotions
The vision ends